

  • Lebelo le phahameng le lerata le tlase 12mm coreless brush motor motor bakeng sa ho cheka meno XBD-1215

    Lebelo le phahameng le lerata le tlase 12mm coreless brush motor motor bakeng sa ho cheka meno XBD-1215

    NO ea mohlala: XBD-1215

    Ts'ebetso e ntle haholo le ts'ebetso ka lebaka la ts'ebeliso ea borashe ba tšepe ea bohlokoa.

    Ts'ebetso e nepahetseng le e bonolo e nang le maemo a lerata a fokotsehileng.

    Moralo o kopaneng le o bobebe bakeng sa ho hokahana habonolo litsamaisong tse fapaneng.

    Phallo e phahameng ea torque le taolo e nepahetseng bakeng sa mefuta e mengata ea lits'ebetso.

  • Kenya sebaka Maxon Faulhaber 16mm Precision DC Hollow Cup Motor XBD-1630

    Kenya sebaka Maxon Faulhaber 16mm Precision DC Hollow Cup Motor XBD-1630

    Nomoro ea mohlala: XBD-1630

    Ultra-compact size bakeng sa lits'ebetso moo sebaka se fokolang. Moralo oa Coreless bakeng sa ts'ebetso e boreleli le e khutsitseng Phallo e phahameng ea torque bakeng sa taolo e nepahetseng le ts'ebetso

  • XBD-3553 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    XBD-3553 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    NO ea mohlala: XBD-3553

    Ho tšoarella le ho hanyetsa ho senya le ho taboha - Li-brushes tsa carbon tse entsoeng ka graphite li tšoarella haholo, li ntlafatsa bophelo bo bolelele ba motlakase.

    Tšireletseho - Tšebeliso ea borashe ba graphite e fokotsa kotsi ea ho qhoma, e etsa hore koloi e sireletsehe ho sebelisoa nakong ea ts'ebetso.

    Katleho ea litšenyehelo - Enjene ea XBD-3553 ke khetho e theko e tlase ha e bapisoa le mefuta e meng ea makoloi, e e etsa khetho e nepahetseng bakeng sa ba nang le tekanyetso.

  • XBD-3045 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    XBD-3045 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    NO ea mohlala: XBD-3045

    Matla a phahameng a matla: Enjene e na le moralo o kopaneng o fanang ka matla a phahameng a matla mabapi le boholo ba eona, e etsa hore e be e loketseng lits'ebetso moo sebaka se lekanyelitsoeng.

    Low wear graphite commutator: Tšebeliso ea graphite commutator e fokotsa ho senyeha, e lebisang bophelong bo bolelele ba koloi le litšenyehelo tse tlase tsa tlhokomelo.

    Botsitso bo phahameng: Mochine oa graphite commutator o boetse o ntlafatsa botsitso le ho fokotsa kotsi ea ho qhoma, e thusang ho boloka ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng ha nako e ntse e ea.

  • XBD-2863 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    XBD-2863 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    NO ea mohlala: XBD-2863

    Theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea Graphite Brush: Theknoloji ea borashe ea enjene e fana ka ts'ebetso e ntle haholo le ts'epahalo, e etsa hore e be e loketseng bakeng sa ts'ebeliso e nepahetseng le ea nako e telele.

    Ts'ebetso e Phahameng: Enjene e fana ka ts'ebetso e phahameng, lerata le tlase, le bokhoni bo phahameng ba torque, e fana ka ts'ebetso e holimo lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng.

    Boholo ba Compact: Boholo bo kopaneng ba enjene le likhetho tse fapaneng tsa ho hlongoa li etsa hore ho be bonolo ho li kopanya mefuteng e mengata ea litsamaiso, esita le tse nang le sebaka se lekanyelitsoeng.

  • XBD-2845 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    XBD-2845 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    NO ea mohlala: XBD-2845

    Kaho e matsutla-tsutla: Kaho e matsutla-tsutla ea enjene e etsa hore e tšoanelehe ho sebelisoa libakeng tse thata.

    Lerata le tlase le ho thothomela: Lerata le tlase la enjene le litšobotsi tsa ho sisinyeha li etsa hore e tšoanelehe ho sebelisoa mefuteng e mengata ea lisebelisoa tsa indasteri le tsa khoebo moo ho fokotsang lerata ho leng bohlokoa.

    Likhetho tse fapaneng tsa ho hola: Likhetho tsa ho hola tsa enjene li lumella ho sebelisoa maemong a fapaneng, ho etsa hore e tšoanelehe bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse fapaneng.

  • XBD-2230 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    XBD-2230 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    NO ea mohlala: XBD-2230

    Theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea graphite brush bakeng sa conductivity e ntle haholo le ho tšoarella.

    Ho tšepahala ha nako e telele le ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng.

    Boholo bo kopaneng le likhetho tse fapaneng tsa ho hlopha bakeng sa ho hokahana habonolo lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng.

  • XBD-1725 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    XBD-1725 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    NO ea mohlala: XBD-1725

    Ts'ebetso ea boleng bo holimo: Enjene e etselitsoe ts'ebetso e nepahetseng le e tšepahalang, e netefatsa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng ha nako e ntse e ea.

    Nako e telele ea bophelo: Tšebeliso ea borashe ba graphite ka har'a enjene e fana ka ts'ebetso e ntle haholo le ho tšoarella, ho netefatsa nako e telele ea bophelo le litlhoko tse fokolang tsa tlhokomelo.

    E kopane ebile e bobebe: Moralo oa enjene o kopaneng ebile o bobebe o etsa hore ho be bonolo ho o kopanya lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng.

  • XBD-3263 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    XBD-3263 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    NO ea mohlala: XBD-3263

    Phetiso ea matla e tšepahalang le e sebetsang hantle ka tšebeliso ea borashe ba carbon e entsoeng ka graphite.

    E fokotsehile ho senyeha ka lebaka la ho tšoarella ha borashe ba graphite le ho hana ho khohla.

    Ho fokotsa kotsi ea ho qhoma le mathata a mang a motlakase, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e sireletsehileng.

  • XBD-3571 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    XBD-3571 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    Selelekela sa Sehlahiswa XBD-3571 Graphite Brushed DC Motor ke enjene e ka feto-fetohang le e ka tšeptjoang, 'me li-parameter li ka fetoloa ho latela litlhoko tsa bareki. -3571 enjene e kenyelletsa tlhahiso ea eona e tsotehang ea matla, ts'ebetso e khutsitseng, le ts'ebetso e tšepahalang. Ho feta moo, ts'ebeliso ea borashe ba graphite ka koloing ena e tiisa ho tšoarella ho hoholo le ho hanyetsa ho ruruha le ho taboha, e leng se etsang hore ...
  • XBD-4070 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    XBD-4070 Graphite Brushed DC Motor

    Selelekela sa Sehlahisoa XBD-4070 Graphite Brushed DC Motor ke enjine e sebetsang, e feto-fetohang, 'me e baballang matla e etselitsoeng lits'ebetso tse fapaneng. E na le theknoloji ea boleng bo holimo ea graphite brush, ts'ebetso e phahameng ea torque, le ho tšoarella ho ikhethang le ho ts'epahala. Enjene e sebetsa ka lerata le fokolang mme e fana ka tharollo e theko e tlase bakeng sa litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa makoloi a DC. Sesebelisoa sa Sinbad coreless motor se na le lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tse kang liroboto, li-drones, lisebelisoa tsa bongaka, ...
  • XBD-1625 Precious Metal Brushed DC Motor

    XBD-1625 Precious Metal Brushed DC Motor

    Selelekela sa Sehlahisoa Enjene ea XBD-1625 Precious Metal Brushed DC ke enjene e nyane, e matla ebile e sebetsa hantle haholo e etselitsoeng ho sebelisoa mefuteng e mengata e fapaneng ea lits'ebetso tsa indasteri le likoloi. Enjene ena e na le borashe ba tšepe ba bohlokoa bo fanang ka khanyetso e tlase ea ho ikopanya, e bakang tlhahiso e eketsehileng ea matla le katleho e phahameng ha e bapisoa le li-motor tse ling sehlopheng sa eona. Enjene e entsoe ka moaho o kopaneng le o bobebe o etsang hore ho be bonolo ho o kopanya le lits'ebetso moo sebaka se leng teng ...